Hi, guys!
I'm just dropping by real quick because I have to get ready for my mom's birthday dinner. But yeah, it has been one roller coaster ride of a year. First, my grandma passed away this year. It was hard for me because I was used to seeing her everyday and if you don't know me in real life, I absolutely adore my grandma. I missed her so bad on my birthday but I put on a brave face; wouldn't want to drag everybody down on my birthday luncheon. Second, I got engaged. Exciting journey ahead of us including currently building our future home. Prepping for the weddings has been so much fun and exhausting at the same time so I'm planning to cut back on my blogging. But more on that, next year!
Not to mention the global events that had happened. If you don't know already, here in Indonesia, things have been heating up between two religions. Jakarta city Mayor is going through some tough time and even our President is facing some serious troubles. Don't even get me started on natural disasters or the shootings and the murders.
I hope your 2016 has been a learning curve to make each of us a better person. I wish nothing but peace and happiness for anyone in this world. Hopefully we all will be a lot more compassionate and understanding to other people. Really, when someone is different than you in their faith, skin color, or politic beliefs, let's show some respect. The truth is different to everyone. It's not always the same thing to all people all the time.
But that's just me, rambling. Let's take all this in with a grain of salt, shall we?
Thank you so much for sticking with me throughout this year. Thank you for each click, each comment, each share. I truly appreciate it more than you know. I hope you all will have a happy new year ;)