Must Have Shapewear for the Wedding Season


Wedding season is in full swing. Statistic says October (which is one month away) is the highest season for weddings so we better gear up for it with the must have shapewear for the wedding season.
I personally looove wearing fitted dresses for wedding since I usually wear flowy dresses for day to day so wearing a fitted dress feels special; and to feel more confident in my wedding guest dress, I prefer to have a body shaper underneath.

For this particular dress, since I do have that sweetheart neckline and off shoulder detailing, the best shapewear for tummy and waist option would be this shaper shorts; no unnecessary strap showing underneath my wedding guest dress but still giving that nice hourglass smoothness on my waist and hip.

However, shorts can be a little bit difficult since if you wear it for a long period of time, the top part starts to easily rolls, for that, you can opt for a full bodysuit instead. Not only it offers more tummy control, it also stays on for all kind of activities. If your dress allows it, I would suggest to go with this full bodysuit shapewear for sure. For plus size ladies, I highly recommend to opt for this plus size shapewear in a full bodysuit.

For example, even though it's not too fitted, because it is a jumpsuit, the waist and the hip still needs a little bit shaping so I can look my best, therefore, I think a full bodysuit shapewear in black can really help to achieve the look that I want. Also, adding a belt can really cinch in your waist even more. I do recommend to have an arsenal of nice looking belts on hand for special occasion like a wedding.

While a shapewear is great to help getting the look that we want, of course a healthy lifestyle like eating your fruit and veggies as well as regular schedule of work out is more important. Do not just rely on shapewear is all I'm trying to say. Also, don't wear them for long periods of time. I think special occasions like a wedding guest or a bachelorette party is fine but I will not recommend for daily wear. Always consult with your doctor if you plan to wear a shapewear everyday. However, most people say shapewear will not pose any danger to your health, as long as the size is right, therefore, make sure to consult your size to the customer service. For me, I use shapewear for special occasions only. And I do love my shapewear tho!


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