Card by @awejour instagram
"-- that's the only purpose grand enough for a human life. Not just to love -- but to persist in love.
She paused. Bees drummed their sound into the air. August retrieved her hands from the pile on my chest, but I left mine there.
"This Mary I'm talking about sits in your heart all day long saying "Lily, you are my everlasting home. Don't you ever be afraid. I am enough. We are enough."
I closed my eyes, and in the coolness of morning, there among the bees, I felt for one clear instant moment what she was talking about.
When I opened my eyes, August was nowhere around. I looked back toward the house and saw her crossing the yard, her white dress catching the light.
The passage is from The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.
I can't believe it's the end of August already and I am about to enter my birthday month once again which is that time of the year where I usually get a little broody and ponder about everything, especially stuff that is happening or had happened this year.
I do feel blessed and grateful for the life I have now but there is always this yearning of something more, something grander. Then again, God reminded me, simply by reading a book, that I already have everything I need to have. That I am right exactly where I need to be. I guess this yearning in my heart will remain and I will left it there as a reminder from the above that we do deserve to have everything we want.
On another note, I simply adore these cards from Awe'Jour .
It's one of a kind cards that will be perfect for your one of a kind friends and family.
Happy midweek!
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