Hi, guys!
I posted my honey lemon shot on instagram two weeks ago and my friends as well as followers have been asking questions about this shot. I took it for 6 days and then stopped because I ran out of lemons. I started again two days ago and I thought I'll just do a post to explain all of your questions.
One of the most asked question is how to make it :
1) Cut into two a lemon and squeeze the half of lemon. Keep the other half for your next shot.
2) Take one spoon of honey. Any kind of honey will do but make sure it's raw honey.
3) Mix it well then drink it with an empty stomach bright and early in the morning.
4) Make sure you wait for 30 minutes before you eat anything.
What are the benefits?
1) One thing I noticed the most, I stopped feeling so tired all the time. I actually have more energy everytime I do take the shots. So the shot definitely fights fatigue.
2) I have sprue (sariawan) more than I care to mention at least once a month. I did had one on my tounge but day two after drinking my honey lemon shot, sprue is completely gone. I guess it boosts your immune system and fights all kind of illness that has to do with lack of Vit C such as sprue, cold, and coughs.
3) My mom has chronic stomach problem (maag) and I too experience the same as well as my sisters. I don't think it's genetic but mine is quite severe to the point where I will be having headaches and throw up my food when I ate way too late. And this is the main reason why I start taking this shots. It helps your stomach to perform better! It sounds crazy at first because lemon is way too sour to drink for people like us without having excruciating stomach pain but to my surprise, it doesn't affect anything. My stomach feels fine until now although I haven't experience the result I want in terms of fighting stomach problems but it's not something that will happen until a few months of drinking it.
4) It's NOT for losing weight. Unless you do eat healthy and clean (which, I'm not) with proper excercise like Miss Alodita did, this shot will help. Yes, this whole post is inspired by www.alodita.com . She is my true inspiration for my honey lemon shot journey. I do wish to loose weight but that is not my main concern because I think it's more important to be healthy than to be stick thin.
I think as you get older, you start taking care of youself better because you know it's such a hassle for everyone at home when you do get sick. Also, it gets in the way of your work and other activities. Not to mention how annoying it is to eat medicine which actually a toxin for your body.
I do hope you start eating right at meal hours, regularly, make sure you have enough rest and sleep, and don't forget to excersice at least 3 x 45 minutes per week. If you're busy, you can divide it into 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon before you take shower, 5 times a week. I'm lazy so I only do 3 times a week with 30 minutes period but those 3 x 45 mins is the ideal and suggested by doctors. If you want to loose weight, you need to make it at least 5 x 45 mins per week and limit sugary and salty food. Oh, the last tip is to drink LOTS OF WATER! And by water I mean pure H2O without soda and in room temperature.
Well, are you interested taking honey lemon shot? It's the first step to a healthier liftestyle plus, it's really easy and you can get the ingredients anywhere in the part of the world. Make sure to tag #honeylemonshot on your experience!
Have a healthy weekend, all! It's only one day away :)
food blogger
healthy living
honey lemon shot
indonesian fashion blogger
indonesian food blogger
lifestyle blogger
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