I Kissed Summer Goodbye

Adieu, summer. It was fun. The past week has been raining every single day. And not like small little drops of rain but like God was angry and just poured all his bathtub water down to the earth. Hence, I haven't been able to do any more photo shoot. 
My friends dragged me out of my depression hole last weekend and push back my mood chart to delirious level. Thank you, friends. You keep me sane.
We went to Hongkong Cafe and I dressed far beyond my age. I think I'm having a twenties-life crisis. I'm leaving my 20 and now I'm drawn to little kids hair clip. They are just so adorable. And I just took notice when my mom told me to buy some hair clip for my little sister. I ended up buying some for my self. It's extremely confusing how I rarely dress up appropriately with my age.

Of course, it was too dark so I was forced to use flash (these pictures has been heavily brightened with my poor photoshop skill). But I sort of prefer the above picture. 
I don't like using flash. Everything comes out too bold.

And look how pale I look!

I'm going to do a company visit tomorrow morning to ask some questions related to my thesis (nervous!) and then going back to my hometown (excited! I miss my puppy so much!) so I'll be out of touch with you for a little while. But I'll be back soon!
And I wish you guys, Moslems, a very happy (and early) Idoel Fitrie.
I hope I can give you pictures from my birthday pool party!


  1. You look so cute in your striped cardigan! I too lament the loss of summer. and yes, on camera flash is just awful!

    Chic on the Cheap

  2. I love your shoes. They are super cute and go well with your striped cardigan :)

  3. The weather has been just like that here too, its so depressing isnt it! It has such an effect on your mood.

    I love what you are wearing, it is really cute. I want your shoes.

    I also hate using the flash too.

  4. love the shoes,,and the stocking:)


  5. really love the shoes! lovely outfit <3<3 wanna follow each other? thanks before ;)


  6. loveee ur 1st picture it was perfect (^^)u look gorgeous & the background is very vintage-y hehee...love ur oxford shoes...i'm following u now,do u mind following me back too?hope we can be blog friends (^.<)


  7. Very cute (and I love your shoes)! I always feel like I spent my teens dressing too old and now I'm 26 and kind of yearn for children's hair clips too. Luckily my little sister is 20 so I just foist them all on her!

  8. Lovely place, nice ambiance and you look really cute dearie.. :)

    Happy holiday!

    Flickering Moonlight

  9. your shoes are friggin gorgeous!

    {no, it's not about birds}

  10. yes we hv to dress properly but I think its not bad to dress all the way we like, u r so cute!^^ xx

  11. ooh i just love your cardi and shoes!! such a cute outfit!! and great photos <3

  12. you're beautiful kak!
    and you look really cute in first photo :)
    oh ya! happy eid mubarak ya kak. minal aidin wal faidzin mohon maaf lahir batin. sucikan diri, mari kembali fitri.
    xo, Lorine

  13. love your shoes!



  14. i love your striped cardigan and oxfords, sos cute!


  15. i love seeing how my fellow bloggers are welcoming fall, and i'm definitely on board with you! happy to hear that good friends are heightening your spirits :) and i can't believe you're as old as you say you are, you don't look it at all! youth is definitely on your side!


  16. makasih ucapannya :)
    adore ur shoes as well.. so cute color :)

  17. I love the first photo, and your hair clip is adorable! Have fun going home! :)

  18. I love your shoes! Super cute!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  19. Love your blog, I am following you now!

    check out my new giveaway: http://fashion--maniak.blogspot.com/2010/09/giveaway.html

  20. That's so sweet of your friends to help you get out of ur rut:) You look adorable in these pics! Thanks again for dropping by my blog!


  21. I don't think you need to worry about not dressing your age! You look cuper cute, hair bow just adding to it.
    And your shoes = love.


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