Holiday Party Ready : Sparkly Top

Often we are discouraged, too, because we have made mistakes. The more we consider them, the larger they grow. A whole day can be wretched. "It's all my faul," we say. "I was so stupid!"
Ralph Waldo Emerson talks about that when he says, "Finish each day and be done with it. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in--forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day: begin it well and serenely, and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense."

Well said, Mr. Emerson, well said. 

I found these days to be draining for my brain and my mental health. It's like constantly thinking "do I have all the items for character A" or something like "set a reminder to remind X to bring geeky glasses" or even "do we have enough time to change during narration?" . All involving the upcoming XG Christmas Celebration! We have devoted our energy and time to create this magical experience for you and for Papa Jesus! Come join us this Friday 5.30 PM at GBI Barangsiang. And on Saturday 5.00 PM at GBI Baranangsiang too.

And this sparkly top is very much possible making an apperance this weekend :)
I'll see you there...

Also, follow my instagram with the username of steviatepi

sparkly top - Berrybenka, skirt - c/o Romwe, earrings & clutch - c/o, heels - Rottelli


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