15 x 15 Remix Challenge Outfit 11 to 15


Hi, everyone.
This is the last part of 15 x 15 Remix Challenge. 
If you missed part 1 and part 2, you can read them by clicking here. 
Without further ado, here are Outfit 11 to 15.

Outfit 11

Outfit 12

Outfit 13

Outfit 14

Outfit 15

And this is the end of my 15 x 15 Remix Challenge. 
For this last part, my favorite outfit is def Outfit 11. I love the playfulness of the blouse combined with the pleated denim skirt. 
I’m also very proud of the scarf + pearl necklace trick that I did in Outfit 14. I’m pretty sure I saw it in Pinterest some years ago and it has stuck with me and I finally got a chance to try it out.

Anyway, it has been real fun trying to come up with outfit combinations from all the 15 pieces that I chose. I would say it made me really happy go return to my normal wardrobe without the restriction of this challenge.
I hope you enjoyed this remix challenge.

Here is a recap from Look 1 to 15

remix challenge summer


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