15 x 15 Remix Challenge Summer

15 x 15 challenge summer

Hi, everyone.
I’m back with 15 x 15 Remix Challenge. Basically you choose 15 items and create 15 outfits. Originally it was 30 x 30 but I don’t have the time to shoot 30 outfits. In my defense, I’ve been working on this since March. I stay at home most of the time so yeah, 2 months to create 15 outfits.
This will be a 3 part series. Each part will show you 5 outfits. So without further ado, here are the first 5 outfits.
Part 2 is here
Part 3 is here

Outfit 1

15 x 15 Challenge summer

15 x 15 Challenge summer

15 x 15 Challenge summer

Outfit 2

White red summer outfit

White red summer outfit

Outfit 3

15 x 15 Challenge summer

15 x 15 Challenge summer

15 x 15 Challenge summer

Outfit 4

Denim red outfit summer

Denim dress summer outfit

Outfit 5

15 x 15 Challenge summer

15 x 15 Challenge summer

White bow tie blouse top summer

For part one, my fave outfit is the denim dress with the red cardigan. A bright red cardigan adds the perfect dose of color and vibrancy to your everyday outfit.
Which one is your fave?

Remix challenge summer outfit


Comments away! Thank you for taking time to leave a little note. Will definitely try my best to get back to you. Please leave your blog link so I can easily find you :)